Legal Information

The telephone numbers listed in this legal information are for the purposes of establishing contact with the licencees of We are not responsible for thesale of bicycles. Liability according to §5 of the German Telemediengesetz (Telemedia Act)

Travanto Travel GmbH & Co. KG
Holzbrücke 7
D-20459 Hamburg
Tel: +49 (0)40 - 244 249 0 (no contact for bike vendors*)
Fax: +49 (0)40 - 244 249 713
E-Mail: info[at]

AG Hamburg HR A 103833

Purchase Tax ID No.: DE249771526
Tax No.: 48/663/00238
Represented by its managing directors: Stefan Mantwill and Göran Holst. Inasmuch as activities are subject to authorisation, the responsible supervisory authority is the Supervisory Authority of the IHK Hamburg.

*We are solely the licensees of this portal and offer owners the opportunity to list their bikes. If you have questions regarding a bike, please direct these towards the owner. You can do so either via the contact form in the respective bike listing or via the stated telephone number.

Eyecatcher Credit: © Pink Badger /